Professional photo
Room layout and staging
After highlighting the best aspects of your property, it is time to devote an intervention solely to photography. You may not know it, but beautiful photos above all allow an increase in income of up to 50% more! The photos that appear on your future ad should therefore not be neglected. Heiwa allows you to benefit from professional services: choice of angles, brightness, contrasts and many other criteria that will serve to enhance the beauty of your property. To do this, our team goes on site with state-of-the-art equipment and takes strategic shots. Finally, our graphic designers will be able to retouch the images if necessary, to obtain a rendering that is simply incomparable!

360 tour
Our experience has confirmed us in the idea that a 360 visit was THE convincing criterion in the eyes of customers. It is therefore logical that we suggest that you develop a 360 visit to improve the advertisement of your property. This tool allows any visitor to immediately discover your accommodation from every angle, on all the booking platforms we use. In addition, such a visit represents a very interesting added value compared to other amateur advertisements which are content with a few photos.